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Accounting and Tax Services by Ariya Group

We have heard that Monsieur Test created by Paul Valéry thinks much of accuracy more than anything. We are running with looking at his back.

We, Ariya group, have been rendering services for the fields since 1992 in Thailand.
Well qualified Thai staffs render services as
  • - Monthly financial accounting report
  • - Monthly tax returns (including withholding tax)
  • - The yearly engagements

Diagnosis algorithm to evaluate your situation for accounting
  • Can you explain the difference of the income amount between Accounting Record and VAT return?
  • Can you explain the variance form stock taking? If your company doesn’t have any variance, it means a tragedy.
  • Does your company keep analyzing the amounts of the bad debt with carefulness for their prescription?
  • Are the fix assets register showing the real existing amount?

The qualified accounting services mean:
  • Within 10 days of the following month, the monthly reports are issued.
  • The reports include the reconciliation between the a/c of the general ledger and PP 30 (VAT return) as well as the a/c and PND 1
  • Ensured an avoidance of material tax risks
  • Ensured an avoidance of fraud in the company

All interested visitors are welcomed to come in http://www.ariyagroup.net/?lang=en

Our belief as a professional

知之為知之 不知為不知 是知也
When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to admit that you do not know it - this is real knowing.

.This is cited from Analects by Confucius. This words caution us to pretend to know. Interestingly we can find the similar thought in a statement of Socrates, that is, “I know that I know nothing“.
Even though it sounds strange, we are proud that our knowledge is limited, but we recognize it as an evidence of professional.